Friday, January 30, 2009

Christmas 2008

The picture above is one of my fav. Taylor
looks tired already and the day just begun.

Daddy teaching taylor golf.

Taylor really did not like wrping papper

But Taylor never gets tired of her paint

one of two TUTU'S I made Taylor

Christmas eve

We ate most of the cookies that night, but we were able to save some for the big guy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nicole's photography

Above is a windmill. the sun washed out most
of the color in the pic. but i think it turned out
very nice.

San francisco at night

The Bay bridge

Taylor love the song "Row Row Your Boat"

Santa cruz is a beautiful place

The water made this unique disign on the sand

The man walking this dog look like Tom Arnold

I tried to do a "Footprints" picture it did not

work but this pic. is still nice.

You cant tell but about 15-20 birds were sworming

over this little fisher boat.